Should Children & Teens Get Tooth-Whitening?
Public awareness of tooth-whitening procedures and products has grown significantly in the past few years. The number of questions our patients and their parents ask about tooth-whitening has also increased especially among parents concerned about their child’s self image and older adolescents/teens who want to look their best. But are these methods and procedures safe […]
Tooth Surprise! This Common Food Can Be More Damaging Than Candy.
When we think of the foods most harmful to our teeth, we immediately think of candy. Cavities are caused by bacteria in your mouth that creates enamel attacking acids. This bacteria feeds on sugars that exist in nearly everything we eat, and candy is one of the most obvious culprits. But other foods can be […]
Simple Mistakes that Cause Millions of Preventable Cavities
No parent wants their child to have cavities and the majority of us take special care to ensure that each dental visit ends cavity-free. Yet, tooth decay remains the most common preventable childhood disease in the U.S. Here are a few simple mistakes that, if corrected, could save children from millions of cavities. Not Starting […]