The Ugly Truth about Candy
Candy tastes great, but it isn’t a nutritionally sound snack that adequately fuels your child’s growing body. Additionally, candy can severely harm your child’s teeth and lead to cavities and oral health disease. But, not all candy effects teeth in the same way. In fact, candy has numerous ways in which it can damage teeth […]
The Sweet History of Halloween Candy
Did you know that Halloween hasn’t always involved trick-or-treating for candy? Actually, Halloween used to be undertaken as The Festival of Samhain, which celebrated the harvest and the Celtic New Year – which started on November 1st. So, how did Halloween turn into an all out candy grab? Well, it started right here in America, […]
Four Ways to Get Your Kids to Brush More Consistently
It can be difficult for all of us to do something that we’re simply not in the mood for. This is especially true for children, whether it’s bed-time or bath-time. Maintaining good oral hygiene can be a challenge as well, so here are a few tips for motivating your children to keep their teeth healthy: […]
Simple Mistakes that Cause Millions of Preventable Cavities
No parent wants their child to have cavities and the majority of us take special care to ensure that each dental visit ends cavity-free. Yet, tooth decay remains the most common preventable childhood disease in the U.S. Here are a few simple mistakes that, if corrected, could save children from millions of cavities. Not Starting […]
You Won’t Believe The Amount of Sugar These Foods Contain
The processed food industry has made the job of cutting out sugar even more difficult for consumers. Here are a few of the worst sneaky sugar offenders:
Baby Teeth Are Temporary, So Are They Really Important?
We often hear people downplay the importance of primary teeth (also called “baby” or “milk” teeth). The front 4 primary teeth generally last until 6-7 years of age, while the back teeth (cuspids and molars) aren’t replaced until age 10-13. People mistakenly believe that since these teeth are temporary, that they do not matter in […]
Fun Dentist Approved Stocking Stuffers
Once the big gifts have been purchased, it’s time to buy the smaller stocking-stuffers. A lot of times, these little items are enjoyed long after Christmas and can be more functional. But functional doesn’t have to be boring and healthy teeth can be a fun part of Christmas. Here are a few ideas to encourage […]
Four Ways to Show Your Teeth Some Love!
Your teeth are important! Not only are they the first stage in eating and digestion, but a healthy set of teeth will keep you looking your best. So perhaps it’s a idea good to say “Thank You” to your teeth for being so awesome. Here are a few ways you can show your gratitude. Sing to […]
3 Times Fruit Is Bad For Your Kid’s Teeth
With all of the junk food available to kids and adults, it’s hard to imagine that something as seemingly healthy as fruit could ever be bad for your teeth. And certainly there are a lot of foods that are high in sugar that would be considered far worse for your overall oral health. Still, there […]
Your Kids Will Love These Tooth Friendly After-School Snacks
The time when your child’s school serves lunch to when your family eats dinner often means that little tummies need a snack to hold them over. But snacking doesn’t have to be a health disaster. In fact, it can be a great opportunity to provide much needed vitamins and minerals to fuel your child’s active […]