Cool Down with these Mouth-Healthy Summer Treats

Dr. Laura Mitchell. Frisco Mini Molars Pediatric Dentistry. Oral Sedation, Frenectomy, Oral Appliances, 1st Baby Visits, Emergency Dentistry, Mouthguards, Fracture Repair, White Crowns & Fillings, Pediatric Dentistry. Pediatric Dentist in Frisco, TX75033

As the summer unfolds, your family will surely encounter long and hot days that seem to last forever. One way to fight the heat, and refresh your family is with some cold summer treats. Below are some of our favorite summer treats that will help cool you down and improve your oral health.   Yogurt and Fruit Popsicles […]

Tooth Surprise! This Common Food Can Be More Damaging Than Candy.

When we think of the foods most harmful to our teeth, we immediately think of candy.  Cavities are caused by bacteria in your mouth that creates enamel attacking acids. This bacteria feeds on sugars that exist in nearly everything we eat, and candy is one of the most obvious culprits.  But other foods can be […]