The Ugly Truth about Candy

Dr. Laura Mitchell. Frisco Mini Molars Pediatric Dentistry. Oral Sedation, Frenectomy, Oral Appliances, 1st Baby Visits, Emergency Dentistry, Mouthguards, Fracture Repair, White Crowns & Fillings, Pediatric Dentistry. Pediatric Dentist in Frisco, TX75033

Candy tastes great, but it isn’t a nutritionally sound snack that adequately fuels your child’s growing body. Additionally, candy can severely harm your child’s teeth and lead to cavities and oral health disease. But, not all candy effects teeth in the same way. In fact, candy has numerous ways in which it can damage teeth […]

Should My Child Use Mouthwash?

Dr. Laura Mitchell. Frisco Mini Molars Pediatric Dentistry. Oral Sedation, Frenectomy, Oral Appliances, 1st Baby Visits, Emergency Dentistry, Mouthguards, Fracture Repair, White Crowns & Fillings, Pediatric Dentistry. Pediatric Dentist in Frisco, TX75033

Different types of mouthwash have different benefits like preventing tooth decay, reducing plaque, freshening breath, and reducing and preventing gingivitis. But, it’s tough to know which types of mouthwash are safe for your children to use. Never fear, parents! We’ve outlined some of the things you should look for when finding the right mouthwash for you and your […]

Ten Fun Facts About Your Mouth!

Dr. Laura Mitchell. Frisco Mini Molars Pediatric Dentistry. Oral Sedation, Frenectomy, Oral Appliances, 1st Baby Visits, Emergency Dentistry, Mouthguards, Fracture Repair, White Crowns & Fillings, Pediatric Dentistry. Pediatric Dentist in Frisco, TX75033

1 – Tooth enamel is the strongest substance in the entire body! This makes it perfect for protecting teeth against cavities! 2 – Tooth decay is actually classified as an infectious disease because it is caused by a specific strain of bacteria that can be shared between people. 3 – Around 25% of adults do […]

Toothbrush Care 101

Dr. Laura Mitchell. Frisco Mini Molars Pediatric Dentistry. Oral Sedation, Frenectomy, Oral Appliances, 1st Baby Visits, Emergency Dentistry, Mouthguards, Fracture Repair, White Crowns & Fillings, Pediatric Dentistry. Pediatric Dentist in Frisco, TX75033

To get a healthy smile that lasts a lifetime, it’s important that you begin with the right tools. The most important tool for overall oral health is the toothbrush. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends that everyone brush their teeth twice per day, for two minutes at a time. But, brushing your teeth […]

Easy Mouth-Healthy Options in 2017

This year, try helping your child get a healthy smile by packing their lunch with mouth-healthy items that can help keep their teeth clean and strong. Cheese Cheese is high in calcium, which promotes strong teeth. But the benefits of cheese don’t end there. It also contains a protein called casein which strengthens tooth enamel […]

Tooth Friendly Stocking Stuffers

Those of you celebrating Christmas are quite familiar with stockings, and have surely filled them with little gifts on more than one occasion. This year, we suggest balancing out some of the candy and tiny treats with some mouth-healthy stocking stuffers! Toothbrush Toothbrushes should be replaced every 3-4 months, depending upon the health of the […]

Taking Care of a Mouth after a Pulled Tooth

Baby teeth are meant to be lost so that the incoming adult teeth can erupt without issue. Most of the time, baby teeth are lost naturally, or due to an impactful force common in childhood. However, sometimes a baby tooth must be pulled to make room for the incoming adult tooth to avoid crowding and […]

The Best and Worst Drinks for Your Teeth

The average American consumes 22 grams of sugar per day, which is double the recommended daily amount. All of that sugar does considerable damage to tooth enamel and can lead to cavities and other oral issues. Some of the beverages we consume are surprisingly high in sugar. Below are some of the best – and […]

5 Instances When You Must Visit the Dentist

Taking your child to the dentist every six months is a great way to prevent common dental issues from occurring. The regularly scheduled check up lets your dentist identify and treat cavities, perform a deep cleaning of plaque and tartar buildup, and provides you with a road map to better oral care for your child. […]

Is Your Student Athlete Protected from Mouth Injuries?

This year, nearly almost 25 million children in the United States will play youth sports, and 1 in 3 young athletes will suffer an accidental injury. Dental injuries account for nearly 20% of all sports related injuries. Did you know that your child is 60 times more likely to sustain damage to their teeth when […]